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Window + Door Awards | 2024 Nominations Open

Nominate your product for the 2024 Window + Door Awards by Friday, Oct. 11.

Each year, the Window + Door Awards aim to recognize innovations in the residential fenestration products industry.

Make sure your company is represented for its standout products this year. Award winners will be fully recognized on in December and be featured in Window + Door Weekly.

Submit a nomination

The process

Review the categories and complete the nomination form, providing information related to the category prompt. Complete the nomination form by October 11.

  1. Submitters are limited to two nominations total. Complete a separate form for each nomination.
  2. To be eligible, products must have been released after September 2022.
  3. Do not submit the same product nomination for inclusion in multiple categories.
  4. Incomplete entries may be removed from consideration.
  5. By submitting images to the Window + Door Awards, you agree that you/your company are the originator or copyright owner of the work, and that you grant Window + Door and its parent, the National Glass Association, permission to use your submitted work in publications and related materials.

Award categories

  • Most Innovative Window Component: recognizes a new and unique approach to the function, design, installation and/or aesthetics of residential window components
  • Most Innovative Door Component: recognizes a new and unique approach to the function, design, installation and/or aesthetics of residential entry door, patio door and/or multi-panel/slide components
  • Most Innovative Machine/Equipment: recognizes advancements in manufacturing technology at any stage in the process of the manufacture of residential windows and/or doors (including frame, sash, door fabrication, glass/insulating glass processing, etc.)
  • Unique Innovation: recognizes an innovative approach to window and/or door function or design not covered in other award categories (including components, accessories, software programs, machinery, etc.)
  • Most Innovative Window: recognizes a new and unique approach to the function, design and/or aesthetics of residential windows (manufactured using any type of material)
  • Most Innovative Patio, Multi-Slide or Multi-Panel Door: recognizes a new and/or unique approach to the function, design and/or aesthetics of a patio door or multi-slide/panel product (manufactured using any type of material)
  • Most Innovative Entry Door: recognizes a new and/or unique approach to the function, design and/or aesthetics of a residential entry door (manufactured using any type of material)
  • Most Innovative Manufacturing Process: recognizes a manufacturer’s unique approach to the manufacture of windows and/or doors via incorporating automation, advanced manufacturing technologies or lean manufacturing techniques
  • Best Dealer Support/Marketing Program: recognizes a manufacturer’s commitment to supporting its dealer network by providing training/education, marketing materials, digital/mobile apps, displays, leads programs, rewards/benefit incentives and any other unique provisions 

*Editors reserve the right to reallocate submissions to different categories as appropriate.


To nominate a company or product, fill out the nomination form onlineNominations are due Oct. 11.

It is important to provide specific details on why you think the company or product is deserving of a Window + Door Award. Once the Oct. 11 deadline has passed, descriptions are then compiled and sent to our panel of judges to be evaluated.

You are welcome to nominate more than one product or company, but please do not submit the same product more than once.


The Window + Door Awards are determined by a panel of judges. Judges include previous winners and a broad mix of executives, consultants and personnel involved in product development, marketing, production, sales and distribution. Judges are not allowed to vote for their own companies.

Specific criteria for each award category are supplied to the judges and all nominees per category are evaluated against the same standards. Judges also have access to all nomination forms, so it is important to be thorough when you fill out the form.

Examples of criteria (category-dependent) are:

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Fills a unique need to the industry
  • Solves a common problem in the industry
  • Incorporates innovative components or technology
  • Innovative design

6 Tips to a Winning Nomination

  1. Include high-quality photography (over 1 MB, 300 dpi). Be creative with images. Go beyond straight product shots and show products being used or installed. Avoid submitting imagery with marketing copy overlaid on it.
  2. Be specific, thorough and concise. Fill out all fields, even if they aren't required. Clearly state why the product stands out.
  3. Describe your entry with specific focus on unique and innovative elements. Don’t just copy product specs into the nomination form.
  4. Avoid using marketing language such as “the best,” “truly unique” or “most advanced/innovations.” Rather, explain what is unique, what makes it the best and what makes it so advanced.
  5. Video is powerful. Provide links to videos online or create videos and post them to YouTube.
  6. Share your entry materials and descriptions with your colleagues and get feedback from them before filling out your nomination form. 


Company employees are allowed/encouraged to submit nominations on behalf of their companies. Suppliers, dealers and customers can also nominate their partners. Please do not submit the same nomination for inclusion in multiple categories, nor multiple times in the same category. (The quantity of entries does not influence the judging process at all.) Total number of nominations is limited to two per company.

Products must have been introduced in the past 24 months (after September 2022). All entries must be applicable specifically to the residential market. Commercial products will not be considered. Crossover products will be considered only if the nomination focuses clearly on the residential applications of the product.

It is extremely important to be specific and thorough in your nomination. Provide as many pictures, videos, testimonials and other supporting materials as you can. While judges review entries against specific criteria, an entry is only as good as its nomination. 

You may read about the 2023 Window + Door Award recipients here.

For more information, questions or comments about the Window + Door Awards, please contact Assistant Editor Rachel Vitello.



Rachel Vitello

Rachel Vitello is the Associate Editor and Content Manager for the National Glass Association.