Hope’s Windows Provides Timeless Steel Windows and Doors to National Comedy Center

The National Comedy Center, which opened in Jamestown, New York, in 2018, is home to the country’s foremost archive of the history and art form of comedy. The groundbreaking museum is housed, in part, in a historic building―the Jamestown Gateway Station. The station, built between 1930 and 1932, featured custom steel windows, courtesy of Hope's Windows, as part of its chic Art Deco design. As a result, Hope’s Windows Inc., another Jamestown institution, was a natural choice to provide steel replacement windows for the historic building as well as steel windows and doors for the new construction when the National Comedy Center redeveloped the site.
Since then, Hope’s Windows has continued to support the National Comedy Center and its contributions to the wider Jamestown community.
The building that now comprises part of the National Comedy Center was an Erie Railroad station on the New York City to Chicago passenger train route. At the height of passenger train travel, it was luxurious, built of marble, steel, and glass. The station was taken out of commission in the 1970s and fell into disrepair, even as it was listed on the Federal Registry of Historic Places. Eventually, a local group secured funding for its rehabilitation, and the station was restored to its original 1930s condition in 2012.
Hope’s Windows has been a Jamestown institution since before the Gateway Station was built. Given that Hope’s had provided the original steel windows, they were also selected to provide historic replacement windows for the adaptive reuse project. Hope’s manufactured custom fixed, projected, side-hung, and single-hung replacement steel windows for the project with custom hardware to match the existing historic hardware.
The grand entrance to the old station lobby, which now houses a gift shop, features original Hope’s steel doors, transoms, and a distinctive glazed-in clock. This entrance was refurbished during the restoration.
“We were thrilled to be a part of restoring this beautiful piece of Jamestown’s―and Hope’s Windows’―history,” says Matt Fuller, national sales manager at Hope’s Windows. “Seeing the station restored to its former beautiful condition, with our original windows as part of that restoration, has been truly incredible.”
“When it came time to add our addition and building connector wing to the existing train station and Board of Public Utilities substation that would comprise the National Comedy Center, Hope’s Windows was the first choice to retain the same look and quality as in the original building,” says Tom Benson, chairman of the National Comedy Center and a member of the team that worked to fund and execute the station restoration project. “We ended up with a stunning mix of the old and new buildings. The windows in the connector wing, identical to those in the station, help the whole campus to come together visually.”
The connector wing features Hope’s Landmark175 Series steel windows with Thermal Evolution technology, while the windows in the station are Hope’s traditional Landmark175 Series.
“Both types of windows were installed in the new construction for the National Comedy Center to match the existing windows in the station’s front façade, which are the 1930s equivalent of the Landmark175 Series,” Fuller says. “The same unparalleled quality that gave Hope’s Windows our start generations ago is retained in each one of our products today, albeit with more advanced technology.”
Once the restoration and redevelopment projects were completed, the National Comedy Center opened, bringing to life an idea several decades in the making.
“The Comedy Center has been a huge draw to Jamestown and a high profile project for our area. We at Hope’s Windows wanted to be involved and to contribute to this phenomenal, community-building project in any way we can,” Fuller says.
And Hope’s has contributed in a big way, from handcrafting the building’s windows and doors to ensuring that the National Comedy Center is accessible and sustainable for years to come, say company officials. “After we opened up, we started an endowment fund campaign to make sure that this museum would be sustainable in perpetuity. Hope’s Windows generously provided a gift to the endowment fund and are a named sponsor of the museum,” Benson says.
“Hope’s Windows is far more than just a contractor; their commitment to the project, from one Jamestown institution to another, has been deep and far-reaching,” he says.