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Joint Study Finds Recommendations for Homebuilding Industry


The Blueprint for Upskilling the Homebuilding Workforce study was carried out by Building Talent Foundation (BTF) with guidance from the Leading Builders of America (LBA) and with support from Weyerhaeuser. Through mixed-method research, the project identifies high-value technical skills in various trade categories within the homebuilding process, as well as emerging technical skills critical for implementing new building technologies.

The study

The study provides strategic recommendations for effective upskilling to key stakeholders, including educators, employers, trade associations, and workforce development organizations. Among the recommendations is repeated, mixed-method, microburst training to enhance the acquisition of new skills. The use of technology to accelerate and sustain learning is also emphasized. Additionally, the study calls for industry-wide, employer-adopted certifications to ensure a consistent standard of skills among workers and highlights the importance of frequent inspections and third-party audits to identify and address areas of continuous skill development in real-time, among many other practical recommendations.

The study also stresses the importance of promoting careers in building trades and expanding training opportunities to groups currently underrepresented in homebuilding, thereby enlarging the talent pipeline. Strong industry-education partnerships and effective apprenticeship programs are crucial for aligning curricula with industry needs and preparing a well-skilled workforce for the future.

"LBA member companies are committed to continuous improvement in the quality of homes we build and the investments in training our people. The Blueprint study provides an excellent roadmap for industry to align the skills of our workforce with technological innovation in building homes," says Ken Gear, CEO of LBA.

Looking ahead, the study also identifies critical technical skills for leveraging new building technologies deployed on job sites. The installation of new heat pumps and EV charging infrastructure are highlighted as key areas where skill development is necessary.

The benefits of addressing continuous skill development are extensive. Enhanced workforce skills will ensure timely project completions, improving overall project outcomes and efficiency. Ultimately, improving workforce productivity, and the quality of homes built, will lower construction costs, making homes more affordable and homeownership more attainable to more people.

Download and read the study here