NewSouth Window Solutions donated more than 20 windows to the Tampa Bay Police Department SWAT division, Tampa Fire Rescue and the NOMORE Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on helping orphans and eradicating slavery and poverty.
About the donations
Six windows were donated to the Tampa Bay Police Department SWAT division and Tampa Fire Rescue. SWAT and Tampa Fire Rescue will utilize the donation firsthand for training with impact-resistant products.
An additional donation was made to the NOMORE Foundation for a safe house the organization is building for those escaping domestic violence or human trafficking situations. NewSouth Window Solutions donated 16 windows and sent a team to help install the product.
What the company says
"At NewSouth Window Solutions, community and safety is something we heavily focus on," says Cody Green, market president for Tampa, NewSouth Window Solutions. "One often overlooked aspect of home security is the role of windows. We are grateful that we can provide the safe house with the security they need with the help of these windows, as well as help familiarize our local SWAT and firefighters with impact-resistant windows."