ProVia inducted three of the company’s truck drivers into the newly formed Million Mile Club, a group of high-performing, professional drivers.
About the drivers and the program
This inaugural group of inductees includes Chris Yoder, Jeff Schlabach and Tim Gingerich. Yoder was inducted after accomplishing one million consecutive miles, while Schlabach and Gingerich were inducted after accomplishing 1.5 million consecutive miles.
The criteria for being considered for induction into the Million Mile Club includes driving at least one million consecutive miles without a preventable incident. In their cases, Yoder, Schlabach and Gingerich’s streaks include nearly 12, 14 and 13 consecutive years of driving, respectively. ProVia has several other drivers who are approaching the million mile mark.
What ProVia says
“We are honored and grateful that these drivers represent ProVia across the U.S.,” says TJ Mummert, director of logistics, siding fleet, ProVia. “They exemplify a high standard of professionalism and protect the safety of the general public. We’re thankful to have professional drivers like Chris, Jeff and Tim on the road.”