WDMA Welcomes Attendees Back to Minneapolis for Technical and Manufacturing Conference

The WDMA Technical and Manufacturing Conference returned to Minneapolis in June, welcoming back pre-Covid attendance records. The technical committees held on the first day were discussed changes to the various codes and standards impacting window, doors and skylights and developed strategies to move the industry forward. Tuesday evening, attendees took to the links for a networking event at the local Topgolf at Brooklyn center.
There were 12 education sessions over a day and a half, including Joe Lstiburek as the keynote speaker sharing his experience with net-zero energy homes and how he believes windows and doors can be incorporated into the next generation of energy efficient walls. Attendees also heard from the Farnsworth Group on the annual 2022 Market Study results. Other topics ranged from WDMA’s PR initiative supporting high-performance windows to changes of the latest windows standards. Additional education sessions included updates about the latest energy codes, the current status of the economy, future trends for the door and window markets, the latest energy codes to design considerations for triple-paned windows.
The WDMA Supplier Appreciation Dinner was held on June 15 where WDMA members gathered to celebrate the contributions of WDMA’s supplier members to the success of the association over the past year. Also at the dinner, several members were recognized with WDMA vests for their support of WDMA’s membership recruitment efforts: Andrea Nordaune of Andersen Corp., Mark Rieser of Windsor Windows and Steve Tourek of Marvin.