Establish your voice as an industry leader and reach highly engaged future customers through customized editorial content. Window + Door offers opportunities to leverage its audience with a sponsored story that resonates with readers — and draws more eyes on the magazine's social media channels.
- Product Solution: Full, one-page spotlight highlights your product or service.
- Q&A Interviews: Full, two-page spread positions your company as an industry authority (your expert is interviewed by the magazine's editorial team).
Contributor Deliverables
In order to create the useful, valuable sponsored content your core audience wants to consume, the following editorial elements and supporting images are needed for Window + Door's Product Solution and Q&A Interview features.
Product Solution
- Official name of product.
- A 250-350 word write-up about the product. The write-up should provide a clear description of the product, its characteristics, and its use and applications. The write-up can also include quotes from company officials about the product, or details on why the innovation is needed in the industry.
- A list of 2-4 "key features" of the product. These key features should be brief (5-10 words).
- Photos of the product. Editors recommend submitting up to three (3) photos, though only one or two will be featured in print. All photos must be high resolution (at least 1MB in size, 300 dpi at 4x5 inches).
- Company logo (also high-resolution).
- Company website and phone number (public, for publication).
Note: Please keep to the word count so we don’t have to cut copy during the design/layout stage. We’ll send a PDF file of the page layout for review when ready, with two business days to submit any revisions.
Q&A Interview
- Photos that pair well with the Q&A topic. Editors recommend submitting up to three (3) photos, though only one or two will be featured in print. All photos must be high resolution (at least 1MB in size, 300 dpi at 4x5 inches).
- Captions that detail the content of the images. Include any copyright or photo credit.
- High-resolution, head-and-shoulders shot of interviewee(s).
- Company logo (also high-resolution).
The overall goal of the Q&A feature is educational, promoting a company's overall work, mission or brand, and including useful, actionable information by tapping into the insights, experience and opinions of company executives and innovators. A two-page spread in the middle of the magazine (directly following the features), the Q&A starts by framing your company, who you are and what you do. We then funnel the information down into three distinct parts.
The first educates the reader on the company, its heritage and what your overall mission is. The second focuses on larger industry trends or issues that you're seeing right now, and your insights. The third laser-focuses on how your company, processes and/or products have addressed these trends/issues, and you give a little advice or insight on how the audience can implement your solutions into their own situations.
Note: We’ll send a PDF file of the page layout for review when ready, with two business days to submit any revisions.
Contributor Guidelines
Readers want to feel they're getting something of value when they engage with print and digital content and sponsored content offers an established way to offer that value. Like many publications, Window + Door offers sponsored content that taps into the insights, experience and opinions of industry executives, innovators and thought leaders and offers a great way to get your company and brand in front of your target audience. We already have a loyal following with your target audience, which means we have a reputation for providing the useful, valuable content your core audience wants to consume.
When managed well, sponsored content can be beneficial for you (the sponsor), us (the publisher) and the audience. Here are five main things to keep in mind:
Know your goals
Before even starting, consider what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Build your reputation online? Establish thought leadership? Once you know what you're trying to achieve, it will be easier for you to start working toward your objectives.
Know your audience
Don't jump in until you've established who your audience will be and what is important to them. If you don't, you won't be able to produce content that resonates with them. Besides general demographics, identify the goals, interests and pain points of your ideal target audience. What do they want to learn more about? What problems are they facing? Their interests and needs will shape the type of content you create, and the more it resonates with them, the more effective it will be.
Provide real value
It's not enough for your sponsored content to just be interesting or entertaining: it needs to provide real value. This means that your sponsored content should include useful, actionable information. Your goal should be learning what your audience needs/wants and then providing that information in a way that's valuable to them. If you can add value, you are more likely to get people interested in your content. It also can be a way of building trust and authority by being seen as an industry expert. If what you share is valuable enough, some people will go to your website where they can take action on what they've learned.
Create mutual dialogue
Sponsored content should sound like it's coming from a knowledgeable friend, not a salesperson. You want to create a conversation that makes people want to hear more and ask questions. Sponsored content works best when it sounds like your audience is having a discussion with you. They'll be more likely to engage if they feel like they are really talking to someone who understands them—someone who knows their frustrations or their needs.
Tell a compelling story
Sponsored content isn't just a different medium for your corporate marketing messaging. It's a way to show your authenticity, inspire and/or educate readers, and make your brand relatable. This is your chance to position your brand as a helpful resource and authority on a given topic. Use great headlines that evoke emotion (curiosity, humor or fear of missing out). Start with a message you want to share, make it authentic, inspire emotion, and keep it simple (details should be interesting and well-placed).