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Janice Yglesias

Janice Yglesias

Janice Yglesias is the executive director of FGIA overseeing the full organization. She joined the association in 1999 and can be reached at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Window + Door.

The Political and Economic Manufacturing Outlook

The National Association of Manufacturers targets several goals under the Trump administration to help manufacturing.

Leverage Your Network for Efficient Professional Development

Why companies should invest in professional development and how to do it

A Look at 2025: Cautious Optimism

The demand for residential prime windows is forecast to see growth of 4 percent and 2 percent in 2024 and 2025 respectively. New construction demand for entry doors is also expected to see growth in those years while the patio door market is expected to decline by 1 percent in 2024. 

Defining and Understanding Window Opening Control Devices

An inside look at technical bulletin AAMA/WDMA TB-24-01

A Look at PCR for Fenestration Systems

With owners, architects and organizations’ interest in sustainable products and building practices growing, the newly released Product Category Rule, or PCR, for fenestration systems comes at a great time.

Industry-wide LCA for Certified Vinyl Profiles Eases Manufacturer Sustainability Reporting

Anyone who has dealt with the world of life cycle assessment documentation, including environmental product declarations and health product declarations, can easily testify to the complicated nature of the field. But, some companies are now at the forefront of the LCA movement within the…

Reviewing the U.S. Economic Year in 2023, Forecasting 2024

Despite strong early forecasts that the U.S. was headed for an almost-certain recession, that prediction now appears to have been skirted, replaced by optimism for a “soft landing”… at least for the immediate future.

Combating Hardware and Componentry Corrosion

When it comes to the maintenance and performance of windows, doors and skylights, components must not be a weak link in any fenestration system.

Consult the New Version of NAFS for Industry Answers

The North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights (NAFS) is regularly updated to address market trends, technology, building codes and rating systems.

Inside Energy Star 7.0

Industry associations assist manufacturers with new reporting requirements.

Window Safety Awareness Prevents Tragedies

The first week of April is Window Safety Week. April marks the return of mild weather for many parts of North America, which encourages homeowners to open windows. But these open windows can also represent a danger, especially for small children. Proper education on potential dangers and the…

Performance Standards are Key to Quality Fenestration Products

Fenestration products are made up of a multitude of components that all need to perform properly to achieve optimum performance in the finished unit. To achieve this, it’s critical to have reliable and current standards by which component and whole unit product performance can be determined.

Insulating Glass Failures

Find the root cause and solutions in continuing education.

Updated Standards for Door Hardware Performance

Doors need to be designed to remain intact and operable under high-use conditions.

Revisiting Innovation

Departing from established comfort zones – whether traditional or recently acquired – requires executives to consider new ways of forming the future and taking more risk. It’s a challenge, but also an opportunity.

8 Tips to Deal with the Labor Shortage

Supply chain issues and skilled labor unavailability are suppressing the demand-driven residential construction boom. Shortages are overwhelmingly reported for workers in all types of jobs, the worst being in framing crews, and rough and finish carpenters. But labor shortages in the manufacturing…

Safety Matters

A plant accident investigation protocol can prevent future incidents.

Training Investments

Worker unavailability still ranks highest among the concerns of homebuilders. And, we are currently uncertain about how COVID-19 will further affect the shortage.

One Expectation for 2021: This Year Must be Better Than Last

While 2020 came to an end, the start of 2021 has not looked much different just yet―but I am remaining patient because, thanks to the breakthroughs happening worldwide in terms of vaccine distribution and therapeutics, the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel appears visible. This hopefully…

Insulating Glass

IG certification testing and application workshops help ensure long-term energy savings.

The Return of Rosie

The skills gap means that six out of 10 manufacturing positions are currently unfilled, which translates to some two million manufacturing jobs that may go begging over the next decade. One critical element that can aid in closing the gap remains largely untapped: women. The challenge is how.

Fenestration Advancements on the Horizon

It appears that the future of windows and doors will involve the confluence of technologies that previously have had little to do with fenestration products. Some examples of improved fenestration functionality being conceptually introduced around the industry involve automatic operation of…